Epiroc launches new naming structure
Following a process involving internal and external stakeholders, Epiroc Rock Drilling Tools has a new naming structure with a straightforward formula: Epiroc + product line signifier + size.

According to Fredrik Ternstro?m, communication manager, Rock Drilling Tools, the new structure meets a customers wish to simplify and streamline every aspect of the operations.

With this way of naming products and solutions, we offer customers a logical, more intuitive way of finding what they need, Ternstro?m said. "We help customers save time, money, and effort with ever-better products and solutions. In short, choosing Epiroc brings a lot of benefits to its operations. Naturally, we want the threshold to choose us to be as low as possible, and with a more user-friendly naming structure, we take another step towards that.

The products offered by Epiroc Rock Drilling Tools will gradually be renamed, and implementation has already started. The premiere for the new naming structure is scheduled for early 2023, with two new launches, Epiroc DTH drill bits, and Epiroc DTH 5 hammers.