Facilitating smooth flow
Hose and fittings have their specific role and importance in hydraulic equipment and systems. In construction and mining machinery, hydraulic hose and fittings play a major role in the effective flow of hydraulic fluids at high pressure that powers the machines at work. A hydraulic hose is specifically designed to convey hydraulic fluid to or among hydraulic components, valves, actuators, and tools. It is typically flexible, often reinforced, and usually constructed with several layers of reinforcement since hydraulic systems frequently operate at high or very high pressures. Hydraulic hose fittings connect hoses to pumps, valves, cylinders and other components used throughout a hydraulic system. These secure connections help contain and direct the flow of hydraulic fluid to where it is needed while preventing leaks and safely maintaining pressure. The selection of right hose and couplings for a specific application is of utmost importance for a leak-proof and perfect function of the system and the equipment. Important criteria while selecting a hose system are size, temperature, application, material conveyed, pressure, end, and delivery. Maintenance of the hose system is equally important for the prolonged life of the system and the machine. This in turn improves the machine uptime and overall productivity of the machine. The Special Focus elaborates on the various aspects of hydraulic hose and fittings with input from industry experts.<p></p><p>Need for precision parts is growing in the country with the government is focusing on quality and speed in project execution. This prompts machines with high precision parts and components. Today, most of the precision parts and components are being imported. RS India, a new venture started a year back is focusing on precision manufacturing. The company is planning to partner with various manufacturers and Indian companies to offer solutions in precision manufacturing. Read the interview with the Managing Director of the company for more details on the company's plans. The fluid power industry professionals of the country had recently gathered at the Fluid Power Society of India (FPSI) annual event in Bengaluru to assess the industry scenario. A report on this meeting provides more details. There are more to read when you turn the pages.</p>