JK Tyre targets carbon net zero by 2050
According to a statement from JK Tyre, the company has established a goal of becoming carbon-neutral by 2050. According to the statement, it aspires to be the "Greenest Company" and is trying to achieve efficiency in areas that contribute to sustainability goals for 2030.

JK Tyre has reportedly been taking steps to lower energy consumption, which has enabled the business to obtain 53% of its energy from renewable sources. It aims to reach 75% in the following five years.

JK Tyre, one of the cleanest tyre producers, employs a low-carbon approach that will serve as the cornerstone of our further expansion. In the last eight years, we have reduced our GHG emissions by almost 57%, and by 2050, we want to be carbon neutral.

The company claims to have the lowest water consumption in the tyre industry and says it is a zero-discharge company.

The company is working towards being more environmentally responsible by producing more from less and reducing energy intensity, and greenhouse gas emissions.