Optimising efficiency
The installation of eight CXT UNO 2 cranes and two XM workstation cranes will be integral to the reliable production at Apex International's Nashik plant.<p></p><p> Aglobally successful manufacturer and exporter of printing rolls and printing machines, Apex International, has adopted Konecranes' versatile CXT UNO 2 and XM light workstation cranes to optimise the efficiency at its new state-of-the-art plant in Nashik. </p><p>The installation of eight CXT UNO 2 cranes and two XM workstation cranes will be integral to the reliable production at Apex International's Nashik plant during 2019 to deliver new technologies to the diverse industries of India, the Middle East, South East Asia and Pacific markets.</p><p>The Nashik plant - the latest of Apex International's manufacturing facilities on four continents - is a vertically integrated production facility in which the end product -from base material to final engraved product - is produced under one roof.</p><p>The installation of CXT UNO 2 cranes there is the latest success for the CXT design in India, where more than 1,500 CXT cranes have been sold over the last 10 years, with particularly good growth in the manufacturing sector, says Konecranes.</p><p>Apex International chose Konecranes because of past experience with the company and Konecranes' global reputation for being safe and reliable, says <span style="font-weight: bold;">Dhanaraj Patil, Executive Director, Apex International, Nashik.</span></p><p>&quot;We have a long-standing partnership with Konecranes. All of our plants use Konecranes cranes, including plants in Europe, Brazil and the US. Our European branch, for example, reported a very good experience with Konecranes. The performance of the cranes has been very good, so, based on that, we went for Konecranes,&quot;said Patil.</p><p>The CXT UNO 2 cranes used by Apex International, for tasks such as loading and unloading machines used to manufacture ink metering and measuring tools, are economical, high quality Konecranes products designed for safe, dependable performance in emerging markets. </p><p>&quot;The CXT is known for its efficient use of space under the crane and its excellent hook approaches. Safety is optimised through high-performance brakes, durable wire ropes and remote operation,&quot; says <span style="font-weight: bold;">Pankaj Potdar, Assistant Manager, Equipment Sales, Konecranes India.</span></p><p>CXT UNO cranes incorporate features most sought by customers in growing industries, where Konecranes has taken the high quality CXT hoist and redesigned it using the latest slimline components. By selecting only the essential features and core components of the robust, proven technology, Konecranes has been able to create a very cost-efficient crane, without compromising on quality. The CXT UNO draws on Konecranes' decades of experience in the industry and brings customers greater cost-efficiency and ease of maintenance.</p><p>&quot;One of the core technologies incorporated into CXT UNO cranes is the CXT wire rope hoist, which is a staple lifting device used globally and throughout the Asia-Pacific in maintenance tasks, production lines, engineering industrial warehouses and factories. The CXT hoist's strength, compact size, speed, reliability and safety make it indispensable in assembly workshops and facilities such as Apex International Nashik, where time and space equals money,&quot; says Potdar.</p><p>In industries where floor space utilisation is difficult but vital, the compact design of CXT cranes allows users to operate closer to the walls, lift loads high and ultimately save valuable space. This enables businesses to optimise their valuable floor space. The new technology installed at Nashik is proving versatile in service, says Patil. &quot;It's very easy to use and to control the speed and movement. The production time and cycle-time are quite fast, compared to other cranes,&quot; he says.</p><p></p>