Our company is focused on digital transformation
What are the current trends and developments in the Indian concrete equipment market, and how are you addressing these trends with your products and services?
The concrete equipment industry has become very dynamic in the last few years. Besides concrete equipment  demand for sustainable solutions, digitalisation, customisation and versatility due to changes in the requirement of the concrete itself like high strength concrete calling for special mix design, demand for coloured concrete, use of additives, etc. demand for necessary changes and adaptation in the concrete production, transportation or placement equipment.

Ammann India, the brand owner of ELBA Germany, is known for its innovation and customer-centric development. We invest heavily in R&D to develop technologically-advanced products as our products are exported from India to the most developed European countries, complying with all the Euro norms. Our equipment is energy efficient, low polluting, and aligns with Indias sustainability goals. Ammanns computer control system provides remote monitoring and predictive maintenance thus enhancing the performance of the product and the customer experience. We also provide a comprehensive training programme and efficient after-sales support to ensure the equipment operates optimally throughout its life span.

What safety features are incorporated into your concrete equipment to ensure the well-being of operators and workers?
As far as safety is concerned, Ammann ELBA batching plants are designed taking into consideration the minutest details for example the operator control rooms are equipped with large windows and clear visibility of the plant's operations, allowing the operators to monitor the process very safely.

There are many safety interlocks provided in the plant to ensure that certain components or operations cannot be engaged or altered while the plant is running.

  • Emergency stop systems: Concrete plants from Ammann usually feature easily accessible emergency stop buttons or switches at multiple locations, enabling operators to quickly halt operations in case of emergencies.
  • Dust collection systems: Concrete plants can generate airborne dust during various processes. Ammann implements dust collection systems to minimise dust emissions, ensuring a safer working environment for operators and workers.
  • Safety signage and labels: Ammann ensures that all necessary safety signage and warning labels are displayed prominently on the equipment and around the plant to provide crucial safety information to personnel.
  • Fall protection: For maintenance and inspection tasks that require accessing elevated areas, Ammann ELBA plants incorporate fall protection measures, such as guardrails and safety harness attachment points.
  • Lockout/tagout (LOTO) procedures: Ammann promotes the use of LOTO procedures to ensure the safe maintenance and servicing of equipment by preventing accidental startup during maintenance activities.
  • Compliance with regulations: Ammanns concrete plants are designed and manufactured to meet industry safety standards and regulations, ensuring that the equipment follows the necessary safety requirements.
  • The plants we export to Europe are CE certified with all the safety norms prescribed as per construction equipment.

    What is your companys approach to innovation and technology, and how are you incorporating new technologies into your products and services?
    In the R&D department at Ammann ELBA, we continuously work on developing new technologies and solutions to enhance productivity, safety, sustainability, performance improvement and reduction of operating costs. This comes out of a customer-centric approach. We are engaged in continuous dialogue with the customers to understand their requirements and opportunities. Our company is focused on digital transformation through the Ammann ELBA AS1 control system for better project coordination, implementing automation in processes and utilising data analytics for predictive maintenance.

    Ammann ELBA fosters a culture of continuous improvement, encouraging employees to contribute ideas and suggestions for innovation.

    Ammann ELBA stays up to date with the latest industry trends, engage in collaborative research, and invests in technologies that align with customer needs and industry demands. As technology continues to evolve, embracing innovation becomes a critical factor in maintaining a competitive edge in the concrete industry.

    What are the biggest challenges you face in the Indian concrete equipment market, and how are you addressing these challenges?
    The challenges are not only for the concrete equipment market but also for the construction equipment industry in general. India is a very price-sensitive market, though the opportunities are plenty there is intense competition amongst various manufacturers. This forces us to innovate and keep on researching new materials, and new products, improving manufacturing efficiencies, innovation, supply chain and logistics, etc. to be a key player in this business. The other challenges are some of the special materials we use are not manufactured in India, so we are forced to import them and the cost of that varies depending upon the exchange rate fluctuation.

    What are your plans for future growth and expansion in the Indian concrete equipment market, and what steps are you taking to achieve these goals?
    We want to be an active participant in the growing Indian concrete industry and to be amongst the top three dominant players. Within a short period of one and half years or so, we have more than 10 variants and capacities of batching plants and we will continue to keep on expanding this area. Localising and improvement of supply chain efficiency, improvement of aftersales service reports, investment in technology and focus on sustainability, digitalisation, and IOT are some of the other areas which we are working on.