Schwing Stetter India awarded as ''World Client of the Year'
Schwing Stetter India a leading manufacturer of construction and concreting equipment in the country was recently named World Client of the Year at a Leadership Management® International (LMI) conference. LMI founded in 1966 is a global pioneer in leadership and organizational development. VG Sakthikumar, Chairman & Managing Director of Schwing Stetter India accepted the award from Randy Slechta, CEO of Leadership Management® International at the ceremony in Las Vegas USA.

VG Sakthikumar who spoke at the ceremony emphasized the importance of such awards for the industry saying, We are genuinely grateful to receive this worldwide recognition from Leadership Management® International and Carpe Diem. Schwing Stetter India has been advancing over the years and it is wonderful to see our efforts and our workforce receive industry recognition. This recognition enables us to equip our employees with the appropriate tools for their skills and boost their morale thereby demonstrating the direction in which we as a company are progressing.

Schwing Stetter India is developing efficient leaders and training them for the next phase of advanced manufacturing with the support of LMI. This fiscal year represents a watershed moment for Schwing Stetter India as the company celebrates 25 years of successful operations. In order for employees to continue functioning at their peak the company intends to implement numerous employee engagement programs in the future.