Technology penetration in mine planning is still lower in India
Arun Misra, CEO, Hindustan Zinc, speaks on the challenges facing in the mining equipment market in India, and the ways to address them.

What challenges do you anticipate facing in the mining equipment market in India over the next few years, and how do you plan to address them?
In the coming years, mining industry will witness a green shift which will be aided by the usage of battery electric vehicles and energy efficient norms. The mining industry is subject to various regulations related to environmental impact, safety standards, and land acquisition. Adapting to evolving regulatory frameworks and ensuring compliance can be a challenge for mining equipment companies. To address this, companies alongside equipment manufacturers need to invest in technologies that reduce environmental impact, improve safety measures, and maintain transparency in their operations.

Inadequate infrastructure from a technological standpoint can hinder the growth of the mining equipment market along with that the lack of workforce to maintain and operate such equipment is another factor that needs attention. Economic factors, such as commodity prices, foreign investment, and government policies, can significantly impact the mining equipment market.

These challenges can be foreseen in the mining equipment market and a thorough understanding of the market and the expectations of mining companies in areas of operations will help in overcoming them.

How does your company work with companies to ensure that the equipment is integrated effectively into the operations?
The equipment supplier typically collaborates closely with the mining company to understand their specific operational requirements, production goals, and challenges. This involves conducting site visits, meetings, and discussions to gather information. Based on the needs assessment, the equipment supplier may offer customised solutions tailored to the company's requirements. This could involve adapting existing equipment or developing new solutions to meet the unique demands of the mining operation. One such example is the battery electric vehicle shift that Hindustan Zinc is going forward with to decarbonise Indian mining.

Once the equipment is selected or customised, the supplier works closely with the mining company's engineering team to ensure seamless technical integration. This may involve providing detailed specifications, coordinating with on-site technicians, and conducting compatibility tests. The supplier may collaborate with the mining company to monitor the performance of the equipment and optimise its operation. This could involve data analysis, remote monitoring, or on-site visits to identify areas for improvement and implement necessary adjustments or upgrades.

Successful integration of equipment is often a result of a long-term partnership. The supplier maintains an on-going relationship with the mining company, providing regular maintenance, spare parts, and technical updates to ensure the equipment's continued effectiveness and efficiency. It's important to note that every company has its own approach to handle it and the specific details of the integration process may vary.

How do you ensure that the mining equipment meets the safety standards set by the Indian government and international organisations?
Safety is a fundamental element in the way we do our business. As we progress towards creating incident free workplace, we focus on identifying risks and implement solutions to mitigate the impact.

We have detailed RFQ procedures comprising of safety requirements set by Indian government bodies and international safety standards for providing a safe place to work. Equipment that we procure from our OEMs - Sandvik, Epiroc, Normet follow all international standards like EU, OHSAS and DGMS. Furthermore, with continual efforts towards improving work environment at our operations through accelerated digital and technology transformation, we aim at creating 100 per cent safe working environment for our workforce and business partners.

What is your company's vision for the future of the mining industry in India, and how do you plan to contribute to its growth and development?
Mining companies play a crucial role in socio-economic development of the country. Over the last decade, the contribution of the Indian mining sector to the countrys GDP has not been more than 3 per cent. With focussed investment, the mining sector aims to contribute 7 to 8 per cent to the GDP, which could create around 25 million jobs in the country, directly and indirectly, and has the potential to propel GDP growth to more than 9 per cent. Thanks to technological revolution, the nature of mining is constantly shifting.

At present, we are contributing to the growth and development of the sector and country at large by creating jobs for more than 22,000 employees currently working and have further created multiple opportunities for downstream and ancillary industries in and around Hindustan Zinc. Other than that, we are also transforming the lives of communities around our operational units through varied CSR initiatives of skilling the rural youth, sustainable farming practices for farmers, mobilising rural women through microenterprises and much more.

We plan to contribute to this growth and development by transforming the lives of more people through strategic investments in their skilling and reducing the dependency on expats by empowering the in-house talent to propel the future of mining through our Mining Academy. Also, collaboration between mining companies, government bodies, and other stakeholders can lead to collective efforts in promoting responsible mining practices, addressing regulatory challenges, and driving sustainable growth in the industry.

What differentiates your products/services from your competitors?
In India, technology penetration in mine planning and operations continues to be lower than that in many leading economies. However, the countrys mining industry is heading towards a technology-driven optimisation process and envisages the use of progressively bigger-sized equipment.

Hindustan Zinc has always been at the forefront of adopting innovative solutions and smart technologies for responsible mining. We recently introduced Indias 1st Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) in underground mining. This technology will help us in drastically reducing carbon emissions, enabling the mine operations to become more environmentally friendly. We are committed to invest $ 1 billion for decarbonisation journey including converting all diesel-run mining vehicles to battery operated ones and have set a target to achieve 75 per cent electrification of the mining fleet by 2035 and complete electrification by 2040.

We are also planning to introduce Mobile Miner Technology in our mines. Mobile Miner, the rock cutting process is continuous and predictable which makes planning and scheduling much easier - a critical factor for the mining industry to become more cost-efficient and predictable in their operations. Further, we are looking at introducing mineral sizer technology which is the latest innovation in the crushing industry providing a compact and efficient way of comminution. We are also using Tele remote LHD, solo equipment, and jumbo equipment that remove the operator from the hazardous area and relocate them to a secure and protected location where they can control the machine via remote with the help of multiple cameras and sensors. Presently, our Sindesar Khurd Mine and Rampura Agucha Mine have tele-remote LHD and Solo equipment running and we are planning to expand this feature to our other units as well.

Electrical substation automation has also aided in faster troubleshooting and reduced non-working hours due to events such as power outages. It has also helped to improve and optimise energy consumption by improving power quality, voltage sag, and swell events. Enhanced digitisation and remote support of work activities allow us to take more integrated view of assets, business units, and the organisation as a whole.

How do you ensure that the products are environmentally sustainable and comply with environmental regulations?
Hindustan Zinc believes in the pillar of #TransformingThePlanet, incorporated by our parent company Vedanta, and has incorporated the pillars of sustainability as a core ethos of the company. Our various initiatives like energy efficiency and reducing the dependency on fossil fuels has helped us create products which are environmentally sustainable.

We have published the first Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for our Zinc product, reaffirming our commitment to sustainability, transparency, and reducing our environmental footprint. The verification process involved a rigorous Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), evaluating factors such as energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, water usage, and waste generation.

Additionally, we are constantly working on well-defined Sustainable Development Goals while implementing related practises in all aspects of our operations with investments in cutting-edge technologies to reduce carbon footprint, transition to renewable energy, mitigate climate risk, and conserve resources.

How do you stay informed about changes in regulations and policies that may impact the mining equipment industry in India?
We proactively engage with all government functionaries to ensure the companys views and industrys suggestions are heard before formulation of policies that impact the mining industry and business, particularly for zinc. We regularly monitor the notices and memorandums of government agencies responsible for mining regulations in India. This often provides updates on new policies, regulations, and changes in the mining industry.

It is crucial for companies to establish robust channels for staying informed about mining regulations and policies in India to ensure compliance and adapt their strategies accordingly.

We also believe that working with industry associations related to mining equipment in India aids in staying abreast of regulatory changes and policies affecting the industry and disseminate relevant information to their members. Even, industry-specific magazines, newspapers, and online publications often cover updates and changes in mining regulations and policies. Additionally, networking with professionals and experts in the mining industry can be beneficial. Attending industry conferences, seminars, and workshops provide opportunities to connect with peers, government representatives, and industry insiders who can share information and insights on regulatory changes.