We can deliver better productivity and return on investment
Dimitrov Krishnan, Vice President and Head, Volvo CE India.
Dimitrov Krishnan, Vice President and Head, Volvo CE India, shares his thoughts on equipment selection from a vendor?s perspective.

What are the fresh challenges emanating from paradigm shifts in customer expectation in large, medium and small buyer segments?
With current work levels customers in all sectors are focusing on productivity, operating costs and uptime. Of course, these three issues are very closely linked, with much interplay between them.

How do you respond to the above challenges?
The industry-leading fuel efficiency of Volvo CE machines can help customers both cut their operating costs and deliver a more sustainable working environment to job sites. Productivity is delivered by Volvo CE machines through their superior design and use of high quality components. Delivering higher levels of uptime is a result of both our industry-leading design and an experienced and skilled network of dealer partners.

What percentage of customers, consult you as a manufacturer, supplier or vendor, before taking procurement decisions? Could you elaborate on such customer profiles?
We speak with most customers ahead of their purchase decisions. For us, it?s important to understand a customer?s needs. It might be that a customer has a specific machine in mind for a particular task, but after speaking with us we are able to recommend an alternative.

What is your take on the emerging trend of buying total solutions at agreed cost, instead of only equipment, in India?
The principle of buying a total solution, which includes equipment, support and sometimes financing is well-established in many countries. Its increasing prevalence in India is a reflection of a market that is maturing and a customer base that is becoming more stable and taking a longer-term view on investments.

Are Indian customers willing to pay for superior technology and performance enhancing product features? If yes, to what extent and in which aspects?
Indian equipment buyers are some of the smartest in the world. They are becoming more sophisticated in their drive to understand total cost of ownership for a machine. To that end, they are prepared to invest in any technology, design or feature that can demonstrate an improved return for them. Similarly, if they see no benefit to a particular design, they will discount it. For us, as a manufacturer, we work very hard to show the productivity and return on investment advantages that come from owning a Volvo. And our machine population here - which is among the largest for any major manufacturer - is solid proof that we can deliver better productivity and return on investment, which allows customers to earn better profits.

What are common but significant areas most customers focus on while selecting equipment?
Fuel efficiency continues to be a major factor; and it?s an issue that Volvo CE plays a leading role in. Customers want the cost savings that arise from more fuel efficient equipment and they increasingly want the associated lower emissions level as they become more aware of the importance of sustainability in our industry.