
Artificial Intelligence driving sustainability

Adaptation and innovation are extremely important to the manufacturing industry. This development should lead to sustainable manufacturing using new technologies.

Criticality of component supplies!

During one of my discussions with a friend who is CEO of one of the engineering and equipment firms in India, I vividly recall the distress expressed over the shortage of good quality component supplies, and its cascading effect on the entire supply chain and customer deliverables.

We expect a CAGR of 10 per cent during 2016-2020 in material handling sector

With the Prime Minister?s ambitious plan of ?Make In India? taking root, we expect to see good growth in manufacturing and consequently in logistics and distribution activities for the next few years,? says Cavas Dumasia, Vice President - Sales & Marketing, Godrej Material Handling Division.

Material Handling: Meteoric Rise

Modern warehousing and inter modal logistics industry initiatives in India, have redefined how business is conducted in the country in most industry sectors as well as its geographic regions.

Gearing Up

The gear manufacturing industry in India is set to continue to rise at a CAGR of 9.6 per cent for the 2012-2016 period Gears are used for transmitting power from one part of a machine to another. It helps in variation of speed, force and direction in a machine.

Era Of New Generation Engines

Diesel Engines are the most preferred prime movers in construction equipment (CE), which are designed for heavy-work cycles. In order to meet changing needs of the industry